Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah, reviewed in terms of architecture and building truly boast principles cluster model of Nabawi Mosque in Medina. How the architecture is a form of literary work that takes a new model of the mosque, the guardian tradition with style embody universal Islamic architecture in the building with the center show that the main dome is equipped with a gabled tower Minaret in all four sides. The idea of establishing the Governor Mardiyanto, then after it was submitted to public figures and religious figures, they strongly support the idea. The people of Central Java requires building a monumental mosque which is the pride of the people of Central Java, which is not only very beautiful shapes and broad power big a patch., but also can survive hundreds of years. The existence of the mosque that also reflects the government's attention and people to maintain a balance between material and spiritual development. If the West Java communities have very good mosque, namely Masjid Pusda'i, East Java with the Masjid Al-Akbar, with the DIY community Shalahuddin Mosque, and the South with the Masjid Al-Islami Markazul, it is time the people of Central Java also has a magnificent mosque so that they become proud. The idea to have a magnificent mosque, the approval of the full Legislative Central Java development so that the Great Mosque of Central Java became a reality. Mosque and its supporting facilities occupy land bandha Masjid Agung Semarang area of 10 ha in the district Sambirejo, Gayamsari District, the City of Semarang. The mosque will be able to accommodate more Jamaah-less 13,000 people. According to the plan layout, building in the mosque, there is room to pray in, where berwudu, office space, conference rooms and training courses, room library, auditorium and the akad nikah. In an effort extracting funds, in the mosque complex also provided the gallery shops, office spaces are rented, and a souvenir shop. Outside the building the building where there are gardens and a wide parking. When the mosque was soon all finished, the building is a community asset Centers of Central Java, which is next to the place of worship as well as the arena of education and propaganda activities of business, tourism objects, and will be interesting to meet people in the surrounding residential area. Fungsionalisasi Is the main function of the mosque as a place of worship in the broad. Besides the five obligatory prayers of worship and prayer time Friday, as well as activities ubudiah (ritual) circumcision, such as prayer, iktikaf, zikir, pray, tadarus Qur'an, and others. As examplizeing by the Prophet SAW, the mosque is also a forum to discuss the various issues concerning the whole aspect of life. This is the mosque of the Islamic leaders discuss efforts to promote the culture. The mosque should also be a source of enlightenment. Kutbah through lectures and lectures-in a mosque, a people-led so that the increased degree of faith and piety, increased knowledge, and the unwavering spirit for Ukhuwah Islamiyah. In accordance with the mission of Islam rahmatan lil'alamin, then MAJT expected to help create a climate cooling in Central Java and guide Muslims that have akhlaqul Karimah and social awareness is higher. To increase the sense of belongings of the people of the mosque, the mosque, the manager needs to understand the aspirations of the community in developing and maintaining good relations with religious figures and public figures. In addition, we need to create a conducive atmosphere so that Muslims from different streams and concept, feel comfortable to do worship in the mosque that was beautiful. In addition to the occurrence of

very good,MENARA Asmaul Husna, yang berdiri kokoh di sudut barat daya Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah (MAJT) merupakan salah satu daya tarik kawasan ini. Dari bentuknya, bangunan setinggi 99 meter sungguh mengagumkan siapa saja yang melihatnya